Thursday, October 23, 2008

My VLog @ YouTube

"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."
John Quincy Adams

Click to the - Forging a Rebirth of Freedom - Chuck Baldwin for President - Chad Koppie for U.S. Senate (Illinois)

C-Span to Air 3rd Party Presidential Debate, TONIGHT!

McCain and Obama were invited!

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Third Party Presidential Debate to be Aired Live by C-SPAN 2

Third Party Presidential Debate to be Aired Live by C-SPAN
Watch tonight (Thursday, October 23) at 9pm ET
Check your local listings for the channel or watch it at

"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."
John Quincy Adams - Forging a Rebirth of Freedom - Chuck Baldwin for President - Chad Koppie for U.S. Senate (Illinois)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Orson Scott Card: Last Honest Reporter

Well-written opinion piece from the writer (who, by the way, is a Democrat). He's lamenting the abdication of the role of the press...especially by local reporters and editors.

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Meet The Third-Party Candidates - All 17 of 'Em (PICS)

While they may look like Joe the Investment Banker or, in one case, Vlad the Impaler, they are so much more. These people want to be the next president of the United States.

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Why The Debates Are Such a Drag

The Commission on Presidential Debates, a private corporation established in 1987, directs the televised presidential debates. It so carefully manages the format and rules that an honest debate is impossible. Here's why including third-party candidates would lead to better debates.

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Why I'm Voting for Chuck Baldwin

Most importantly, Charles Baldwin has a strong desire to return America to the roots that we once had.

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Two Candidates Confirmed for Presidential Debate!

Third Party Presidential Debate to Take Place on Thursday, October 23rd at 9pm EST. All six candidates who qualified for enough state ballot lines to be eligible to win the presidency on November 4th have been invited. To date two candidates have confirmed participation: Ralph Nader (I) and Chuck Baldwin (C).

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Constitution Party Video

Take a Stand for Freedom. Dont Waste Your Vote, Vote for Your Constitution. Vote for Freedom.Mary Starrett highlights the country’s third largest political party and contrasts the platforms of the two major parties with that of the Constitution Party.

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Baldwin agrees to third-party debate

Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin ( will join other third party candidates at the 90-minute forum, which is being sponsored by The Free and Equal Elections Coalition ( A total of six presidential candidates who are on enough state ballots to be eligible to win the election...

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Third Party IS NOT a wasted vote!

Chuck Baldwin's view on voting for a Third Party Candidate.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Unasked Questions for the Candidates - Obama & McCain

While more than 90% of Americans know who John McCain and Barack Obama are, third-party candidates like Chuck Baldwin, Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney and Bob Barr are virtually ignored by the mainstream media and prohibited from participating in the televised Presidential debates.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Ron Paul - CIGARETTES better than MONEY!!!

Ron Paul in 1983 getting on their ass as usual about destroying our economy, currency and country - why, how and what was going to happen - and that at some point something has to be used that has real value and not this fiat paper money which is now nothing more than the ink and paper that it is printed on, and the only reason it has worked thi...

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Ron Paul: Central World Bank?

"They're frantically trying to get together, and that's why this is becoming international. And, boy, I'm worried about this weekend, what are they going to come up with? They're going to come up with a new idea, probably one central bank for the world."

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A Wasted Vote ~ by Chuck Baldwin

When asked why they will not vote for a third party candidate, many people will respond by saying something like, "He cannot win." Or, "I don't want to waste my vote." It is true: America has not elected a third party candidate since 1860.

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An Honest Presidential Candidate

Presidential candidate Dr. Charles Baldwin has been endoresed by Congressman Ron Paul as the presidential candidate that he supports.Take a moment to listen to Dr. Charles Baldwin's recent speech at the JBS 50th Anniversary Celebration

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Ron Paul Keynote at the JBS 50th Anniversary Celebration

Texas Congressman and former presidential candidate Ron Paul addressed the sold-out crowd at the celebration of the JBS 50th Anniversary. Congressman Paul gave credit to former JBS president and Congressman from Georgia, Larry McDonald. Dr. Paul recalled that Congressman McDonald helped him decide to run for Congress in the 1970s.

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

The First Internet Presidential Debate

Open the Presidential Debates... or we will! The first Internet Presidential debate with invitations sent out to the major and minor political parties. The first REAL debate with REAL issues.

First Internet debate stored here, check it out. Debate - Oct. 9th (Part1).mp3 Debate - Oct. 9th (Part2).mp3 Debate - Oct. 9th (Part3).mp3

"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."
John Quincy Adams

Click to the - Forging a Rebirth of Freedom - Chuck Baldwin for President - Chad Koppie for U.S. Senate (Illinois)

Open up the debates to third parties

This is a fantastic opinion piece from Amy Goodman of Democracy Now regarding third parties, and why it's so important that they be included in the debates.

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CUT 'EM DOWN! Chuck Baldwin 2008

Chuck Baldwin is a citizen of the United States of America just like you and me. The difference is that he is not an elected politician offering the same old political answers. . Refreshing isn’t it? Have you ever thought what you would do if you were elected President of the United States? Chuck has done just that and he is providing the right ans

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The First Presidential Internet debate :: ThirdPartyTicket

Free and open debates are critical to our nation's best interests. Vote up and spread the word. More choices and more voices in 2008!

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Debate??? What Debate??? AGAIN

What debate? There was no real change discussed. It was the same old squabbling between the two candidates/parties. Where were the other 5 on the ballot in Ohio? If the people want a real debate on change, then they need to demand that all on the ballot should be there to debate. Obvious it is rigged and we can not afford to take it lying down any longer.

See link for Ohio's official sample ballot for the General Election 2008 -

"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."
John Quincy Adams

Click to the - Forging a Rebirth of Freedom - Chuck Baldwin for President - Chad Koppie for U.S. Senate (Illinois)

$700 Billion Bailout LAW - YOU WERE ROBBED

Are we headed for an economic depression? Probably. Here are the FACTS on the market's reaction to the bill's progress; the mainstream media is (again) lying to you. Facts, figures and charts galore.Oh, and what you must do next...

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Bailout will be followed by Sellout to Chinese

The Paulson bailout is part of a plan to sellout Wall St. to foreign investors. These investors are demanding that the toxic assets first be removed from the books before they rush in to buy up American financial companies at bargain basement prices. This is the real purpose behind the $700B plan. It is being forced on us by the Chinese and others.

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Bailout Politics

by Thomas SowellNothing could more painfully demonstrate what is wrong with Congress than the current financial crisis.Among the Congressional "leaders" invited to the White House to devise a bailout "solution" are the very people who have for years created the risks that have now come home to roost.Five years ago...

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

3rd party Presidential debate LIVE October 9th 2008 9pm EST


CONTACT: Raymond D. Powell (505)-832-4300

Restore The Republic Radio announces Presidential DebateRestore The Republic Radio ( will hold the first of its kind presidential debate live via internet radio on October 9th. Unlike the debates that will be held by the TV networks, THIS debate will give a voice to EVERY major presidential candidate.

Northbrook, IL, 10/7/2008 announced it will hold an unprecedented internet radio based presidential debate on October 9th, 2008 at 9PM Eastern time. Invitees include: Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party, Charles Jay of the Boston Tea Party, Brian Moore of the Socialist Party, Cynthia McKinney of the Green Party, Independent Ralph Nader, Bob Barr of the Libertarian Party, Barack Obama of the DemocraticParty, and John McCain of the Republican Party...

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AIG spends $.5 MILLION dollars after bailout on drinks, etc.

AIG executives spend money at St. Regis Monarch Resort, while SEC and NY State Insurance cronies claim things are fine like this..This is the bailout at work, if you pay taxes, you are losing out! Where my hotel stays????

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After Bailout, AIG Execs Head to California Resort

Less than a week after the federal government committed $85 billion to bail out AIG, executives of the giant AIG insurance company headed for a week-long retreat at a luxury resort and spa, the St. Regis Resort in Monarch Beach, California, Congressional investigators revealed today.

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Fear Based Voting

My email is filled with letters from truly fearful Americans. Never before, have I experienced this level of fear from citizens. It is incredibly disconcerting... I will vote For Candidate Chuck Baldwin and do so with conviction, courage and determination. I will not bow down before fear. I am an American. We do not bow down before fear...

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Monday, October 6, 2008

Only real change agent is Baldwin

The mantra of the 2008 presidential campaign is "change."... The only hedge against this country's total destruction is the election of a presidential candidate who understands what is at stake regarding the Constitution and the rule of law, and will then stand for both. That's why I'm voting for constitutionalist Chuck Baldwin for president...

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Dow Plunges 500 Pts, Bailout Bust, Pelosi, What Happened?

Now that the 800 billion boondoggle of a financial market/pork package is a bust, the question is; Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Frank, Mr. Bush and Mr. Paulson, where's my money and how do we get it back? Why does Paulson still have a job, and why haven't our leaders stepped down for their incompetence? Enough is enough! One more thing...NO MORE BAILOUT MONEY!

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Rasmussen Poll Shows Americans Want To Fire Congress

A new Rasmussen poll shows that most Americans want to kick all the bums out of Congress for not doing the will of the people.

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Friday, October 3, 2008

Why vote for the Lesser of Two Evils???

A reasonable alternative to Mcbama (McCain/Obama) is Chuck Baldwin. If you are frustrated with the two parties then why should you keep voting for them. One by one people are getting fed up enough and looking at third party candidates that actually have good plans. Ron Paul officially endorses Chuck Baldwin. A vote for Chuck Baldwin is a vote for Ron Paul type policies. We all know the other Republicans and Democrats have screwed up our government for long enough. If you believe so too, then anyone of the thirdparty candidates cannot be worst then what we have. It is a matter of principle to vote for whose views you believe in.

Congressman Ron Paul Responds to the 700B Bailout

Congressman Ron Paul Responds to the $700 Billion bailout immediatly after it was signed into law.

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Washington -Congressman Jerry Costello (D-IL) today issued the following statement regarding his vote against a new version of the $700 billion financial bailout bill considered by the U.S. House of Representatives:

“On Monday, the House of Representatives voted down the first version of this historic legislation. The message that was clearly sent by this defeat was that we needed to slow down and make sure we get this right, because we may only get one chance. However, instead of looking at alternatives, the Senate leadership simply retained the original Paulson approach and added $100 billion in tax breaks. While I support expanding Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation limits to $250,000, I do not see how turning a $700 billion bill into an $800 billion bill benefits our economy.

“Ultimately, what the additions to this bill cannot hide is that at its core, it is no different from the proposal we voted on Monday. It still asks too much from taxpayers and not enough from the financial services industry. The Wall Street bankers that helped get us to this point need to be paying to help right our economy. We can still take a step back and listen to the chorus of voices – from economists to our constituents - calling for a more thorough evaluation of our options. I am still very concerned that we will come to regret the long-term ramifications of this action. After close consideration, I believe the bill before us today is worse than the original legislation, and I again voted no.”

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Vice-Presidential Debate???

Where are the other major candidates? I did not see Darrell Castle who is on over 38 ballots in the United States’ General Election along with his Presidential counterpart, Chuck Baldwin. These debates are rigged. There will be a real Presidential debate on October 9, 2008 at 9pm EST. Barack Obama and John McCain as well as Chuck Baldwin, Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney, and Bob Barr have all been invited. I welcome a real debate among all the candidate’s that are on the ballot for the General Election.

"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."
John Quincy Adams

Click to the - Forging a Rebirth of Freedom - Chuck Baldwin for President - Chad Koppie for U.S. Senate (Illinois)

Ron Paul on Bloomberg TV 10/02/08

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008


“I Have Not Been Convinced That This Solves the Problem”
Washington -Congressman Jerry Costello (D-IL) today issued the following statement regarding his vote against the $700 billion financial bailout bill considered by the U.S. House of Representatives:
“I voted against this unprecedented bailout because we are moving too quickly to rush this proposal through and have not adequately considered other approaches to solving the problem of bad debt and tight credit.

Ron Paul: Protest the Bailout!

Call your Republican Representatives and tell them to stand with the Conservative principles that are the foundation of their party! And call your Democratic Representatives and tell them to wake up!

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Ron Paul: Buying bad debt is the wrong solution

Two days after the House rejected the $700 billion bailout bill, the Senate is set to vote on the rescue plan for financial institutions.

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Ron Paul Supporters Endorse Chuck Baldwin

You wanted to vote for Ron Paul? Now you can. Please remember that Ron Paul is an "idea". That idea is liberty, protected by a constitution. Chuck Baldwin IS Ron Paul for all intents and purposes. Vote Chuck Baldwin, and you'll get your Ron Paul vote in spite of the plans of the spoilers of freedom and liberty.

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Chuck Baldwin on the Lou Dobbs Show

Chuck Baldwin on the Lou Dobbs Show speaking on illegal immigrationHttp://

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Ron Paul Twins interview Chuck Baldwin part 2

The second part of the home schooled Ron Paul Twins interviewing Chuck Baldwin on various political issues. In part 2 he talks about energy independence and right to life.

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Ron Paul Twins interview Chuck Baldwin part 1

The first part of the home schooled Ron Paul Twins interviewing Chuck Baldwin on various political issues. In this interview he defines the power of the government as the main issue to address, that the government invades our lives far too much.

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George Soros hates Paulson's bailout.

International financier Georges Soros has an alternative to the Bush/Paulson's bailout plan.His opinion should be heard. The bill will not be passed by Congress today in his current form, it is time to look at other options.

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McCain urges Bush to ignore Congress!

Jed Lewison - McCain Urges Bush To Spend $1 Trillion On Bailout -- Without Congressional Approval

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